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Dog Fur-endly Summer Beach Days

Posted by Emily Harris on
Dog Fur-endly Summer Beach Days

Who doesn't love the seaside? It could be said that Wildbarcs' very own Lola is the biggest fan of the beach. There's nothing better than walking down the coastline, sand between your dogs paws and crashing through the waves after a ball, but it's important to remember not all beaches are dog friendly during the summer months.

With no part of the UK being more than 70 miles from the sea it's important we keep in the know where we can and where can't dip our tail in the sea. 

Did you know? There are over 780 beaches in the UK, but only a small proportion of them allow dogs all year round. 

Fear not though, the good news is that the vast majority of beaches do welcome responsible dog owners outside of the summer (1st October to 30th April) but it's all about knowing which ones and when. 

Which beaches can I take my dog to in the Summer months? 

When planning your Summer day out at the beach it's essential to check which rules apply. The last thing you want is to be frogmarched off mid ball game, let alone being hit with a hefty fine. 

For the ultimate lowdown on where to go this summer check out this handy guide from The Beach Guide. Featuring a full list of which beaches are dog friendly and accessible to our four legged friends along with which beaches have restricted access during the Summer months, this is the go to guide for Summer doggy fun. 

The Beach Guide not only includes beach information but reviews, photos and maps. 

TOP TIP: Don't forget to check the tide times before you head out. There's nothing more disappointing than travelling to your favourite spot for the tide to be in and there be no beach to stretch your legs on. 

Beach essentials 101

You've done your research and planned which beaches in the UK you're going to visit, now it's time to ensure you've packed the essentials. Here's a few things you need to remember for your day out:

  1. Most importantly a bowl! Remember dogs can't drink sea water, and we are more likely to nip to the beach on a sunny day. To stop your dog overheating don't forget your water bowl and bottle of water to keep your dog hydrated. 
  2. A Wildbarc dog lead of course! You never know what distractions may be on the beach, footballs, horses, lifeguard buggies, the list is endless of what could potentially lead to a distracted dog. 
  3. Inflatable dog toy or a ball. No beach trip is complete without a game of fetch. Don't make the fatal error of leaving home without your furry friends toy of choice. 
  4. Doggy first aid kit. Lola goes berserk in the sea which means she wildly jumps over rocks which can be absolutely disastrous to her paws. Make sure you have a dog first aid kit at the ready just in case.  
  5. Microfibre dog towel. The last thing you want is a sandy pup jumping into your nice clean car boot. Take a microfibre towel with you to dust your dog off and make sure they are lovely and dry before you head home. We will be stocking dog towels very soon so keep a look out!

Thanks for reading and please tag us in your Instagram pictures showing us which beaches you go to this Summer  :)

But before we sign off, here's Lola (looking a little worse for wear after diving in the sea) on one of the most beautiful beaches in South Wales - Three Cliffs Bay 

Happy #fourleggedadventures from Emily, Vern & Lola :)

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